Stalcommpol Inc. was founded as a 501(c)(3) public-service organization in March 2003. A Narrative Description of Activities is available to the public in our IRS Form 1023 pt. IV. One Boston Globe newswriter credits us with getting Harvard to update its crime-reporting practices. Before July 2004 the university was listing the location of the reporting person (most often the victim) at the time he or she reported a crime. And it was omitting the date, time, and location of the crime itself. We recommended that the university’s management comply with section 1092(f) of the 1990 Institutional Information for Students Act. Co-founder James Herms explained that we’d rather not have to report the offense to the government. Maybe we’re doing something right... Our intrepid research associates have accepted offers from Homeland Security, Bain, Boston Consulting, Goldman Sachs, Harvard School of Public Health, and other employers where the capability to boldly recommend change is a prerequisite. Apr. 12, 2018 |