Our principal sources of research support are MIT alumni.
Disclosure of interests
One of our partners was previously a member of management at Harvard University (1980-85), a member of management at MIT (1989-2002), and a dean at MIT (2000-02).
One of our partners wrote a case report on the conflict between Harvard University and the Harvard University Security, Parking and Museum Guards Union for a Harvard Extension School course (Managing Conflict in Organizational Settings, Dept. of Special Studies in Administration and Management, Sept. 2001 - Jan. 2002).
Partners maintain no other relationships that would create a conflict of interest. Partners have no financial agreements or affiliations with the provider of any product or service discussed in our reports.
8 Aug. 2005. Stalcommpol Inc . Ed. J. Herms.
Student-Alumni Committee on Institutional Security Policy, Cambridge, MA. <>. Permissions Contact Us