Transmissions on 38 MIT and Harvard University Police channels have been rebroadcast live by the Campus Crimestoppers more-or-less continuously since Oct. 18, 2004. Listen in to MIT and Harvard dispatchers and officers and to Securitas USA guards stationed at Harvard, in streaming MP3 format, on MIT Crime Club Radio,
(If the playlist file doesn’t open, install Winamp® MP3 player.)
Address questions and comments to Production, MIT Crime Club, To get detail or background on an incident, have 411 Search put you through to “Harvard University Security ...”, Cambridge, MA (617 491-6633). Ask for the Campus Crimestoppers.
MIT Crime Club is an ASA-recognized MIT student group, organized by Margeaux Randolph ’05, Adora Asala ’05, and Shavonne Nyoka Hylton ’05 and approved as a student activity by the MIT Association of Student Activities on April 19, 2005.