Stalcommpol Code of Ethics (3rd ed. 2008)*
In applying these principles, a member is required to use her own judgment, not her employer's.
I pledge that when providing services to clients (such as the members of the university community), I will:
Serve my clients with
integrity [sincerity; uncompromising avoidance of deception, expediency, or shallowness];
independence [not looking to others for my opinions; being impartial; thinking freely];
objectivity [absence of personal bias or prejudice; looking at something as disentangled from any personal feeling, prejudice, or opinion]; and
professionalism [a methodical, courteous, and ethical manner].
(a) Engage on a project only if I have the skills and experience needed to perform it.
(b) Assist on a project only if I have the knowledge and expertise needed to help effectively.
(a) Take reasonable steps to prevent unauthorized persons from gaining access to any privileged or confidential business information that is not public knowledge.
(b) Not take advantage of such information for my own use, without permission.
(a) Avoid conflicts of interest [occurrences of a real or seeming (but specifiable) incompatibility between my private interests and my public duties].
(b) Immediately disclose to my colleagues if there are circumstances or interests that I believe may influence my judgment or objectivity.
Not recommend (to my clients) goods or services in which I have any financial interests, unless I disclose these in advance.
Not commit, participate in, or encourage any malfeasance [otherwise lawful acts performed in violation of a legal duty to another], dangerous behavior, or illegal activities during my work.
* Adapted from IMC USA Code of Ethics (2d ed. 2005).